Monday, March 3, 2014

Political Economy (Ch 4)

The city of San Antonio has a very diverse economy.  The secondary sector (manufacturing and industry), the tertiary sector (personal services such as healthcare and retailing), and the quaternary sector (government, financial services, research and development, education, journalism and media) are the major economic sectors of the city.

San Antonio has had a steady economic growth and has earned a top ranking among large Texas cities. The largest employment sectors in San Antonio are services, manufacturing, and government. The large concentration of government workers is due mainly to the location of four military bases in the area—three Air Force bases (Brooks, Lackland, and Randolph) and one Army post (Fort Sam Houston) which belong to the  quaternary sector have a large military personnel population which contributes to the over all economy of San Antonio by catering to needs of service members as well as their families.
San Antonio is headquarters for the largest military establishment in the United States. The bases provide employment to approximately 74,500 military and civilian personnel and have an economic impact on the local community of approximately $4.9 billion.
Early military presence.

Contemporary military presence in San Antonio.

The service sector is the largest and fastest growing sector of the economy, largely because of increased demand for health care and business services as people migrate to this city increasing population.  San Antonio's  tourism industry is a vibrant and colorful one.

San Antonio River Walk

The Alamo

San Antonio Tourism


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